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Your Back & Neck-Friendly 5-Point Posture Checklist for Computer Work

Written By ChiroConcepts of McKinney on September 8, 2023

a guy with back pain

After spending long hours working at your computer, you might notice that your back and neck feel tight, stiff, and painful. It’s important to get up and move around now and then to get your blood flowing. Equally as important is following proper posture while working at your computer. At ChiroConcepts of McKinney, Dr. Michael Prochaska recommends that our patients follow this five-point posture checklist to reduce the risk of back and neck pain while working at a computer.

1. Use an Ergonomic Chair

If you work on a nontraditional surface, such as a kitchen table, you might not have an ergonomic work chair. Yet, if you’re developing back and neck pain or other symptoms such as pain that radiates down the back of a leg (sciatica), it may be time to think about investing in a posture-friendly work chair. Look for a chair that offers lumbar (lower back) support and that provides sufficient height adjustments so you can sit with your feet flat on the floor.

2. Sit Properly in Your Chair

Once you have an ergonomic desk chair, be sure to sit in it properly. Resist the temptation to cross your legs or prop your feet up on an object. Keep your back resting against the back of the chair, with your feet flat on the floor. If you aren’t sure whether you’re using proper seated posture, our chiropractor in McKinney can do an evaluation.

3. Elevate Your Computer Monitor

Your computer monitor should be at eye level. This helps keep your neck in a neutral position. If you use a laptop, consider obtaining a wireless keyboard and mouse. You can then place your laptop on an object, such as a large, thick book, so it’s at eye level while keeping your keyboard and mouse on the desk.

4. Check the Angle of Your Wrists and Hands

Your wrists and hands should remain at a 90-degree angle with your forearms. They shouldn’t tilt upward or downward to reach your keyboard.

5. Remember to Take Breaks

Even with great posture, you should still take breaks about every hour. Stand up, stretch, and walk around.

Treat Your Back and Neck to Chiropractic Care Today

In addition to delivering patient-focused chiropractic care in McKinney, Dr. Prochaska provides lifestyle counseling services, including posture evaluations and guidance. Contact us at (972) 369-1471 to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Neck Pain Treatment Poor Posture