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Does Spinal Decompression Help Sciatica?

Written By ChiroConcepts of McKinney on January 9, 2024

a woman running with sciatica

Sciatica symptoms can interfere with your ability to live a healthy, functional life. At ChiroConcepts McKinney, our chiropractor Dr. Michael Prochaska has extensive experience evaluating, diagnosing, and treating sciatica with chiropractic care and spinal decompression in McKinney, TX, and the surrounding areas. He uses safe, effective, drug-free chiropractic care to treat sciatica and help you get back to living your normal life, pain-free. Spinal decompression is one of the most effective chiropractic sciatica treatment options available. 

How Do I Know If I Have Sciatica?

Sciatica is a collection of symptoms that occur when one of your sciatic nerves is injured, compressed, pinched, irritated, or damaged. Your sciatic nerves are two long, thick nerves that run from your lower spine through your hips and butt down each leg to your foot. They communicate with your brain, sending signals that allow you to walk, run, stand, and experience movement and sensation. An injury to the sciatic nerve will cause symptoms that affect one side of your body, including:

  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the lower back
  • Burning, itching pain that radiates from the lower back down one leg
  • Muscle weakness in the leg and/or foot
  • A tingling sensation in your hips, butt, leg, or foot
  • Numbness in your hips, leg, or foot

What Is the Main Cause of Sciatica? 

Determining the underlying cause of your sciatica will help us design your personalized treatment plan. Sciatica symptoms are caused by injury or compression of the sciatic nerve, which can happen due to:

  • Injury or trauma
  • Herniated discs
  • Bulging discs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Bone spurs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Tumors or cysts
  • Spondylolisthesis 

Should I Visit a Chiropractor for Sciatica?

Dr. Prochaska will identify the root cause of your sciatica and treat the cause rather than just treating the symptoms. Our goal is to use chiropractic care to promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself without the use of invasive procedures, surgery, or prescription medication. 

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy? 

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical traction therapy that can relieve sciatic pain and other symptoms. During spinal decompression, you will lie fully clothed on a motorized traction table. Dr. Prochaska will use a harness to stabilize your body during treatment and will control the movement of the table using a computer program. As the table tilts and moves, your spine, limbs, and joints will be gently and slowly stretched. This decompresses the spine and allows it to shift back into alignment.   

Get Sciatica Treatment in McKinney, TX

If your sciatica symptoms are affecting your daily life, visit us at ChiroConcepts McKinney. Dr. Prochaska and his team will evaluate the cause of your sciatica and recommend chiropractic sciatica treatment. Book your appointment to get started.

Posted In: Sciatica